Air Hover Soccer Disc


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SKU: 1502301845151360 Category:


Prepare to be amazed whether you want to be or not. This super awesome, Hovering Disc will take your Game to the next level. You can kick all you want but this super gadget stays afloat on solid ground. It zooms and speeds to all destinations like a jet. With futuristic style, you can play Soccer just like you’re on an air hockey table. You can even chant and paint your body team colors while you play. Regardless, you’ll be won over by this Game piece for sure. We love to play with it in the office as it works well over our tightly knit carpet floors and best over the smooth linoleum in our lobby and basement. We used to rarely go to the basement because of the strange ghouls of goblins that live there, but we sure do now! The ghosts, ghouls, and goblins come out and play Soccer with us and they’re ridiculously good! This Disc also makes for a super rad bowling Game too. Line up some empty bottles or cans and go for it. We”re all on a pro team now and so will you.